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AVET Cutting probes realized speedy and less invasive operations in a much better way than conventional YAG laser and diode laser systems.


Best for both veterinary surgery as well as therapy


With complete surgery probe, AVET laser energy can be applied superficially, as well as in open surgery.

Thin flexible fibers deliver required amounts of energy into the body in a minimally-invasive technique. Both cutting and coagulation are performed in a single step reducing bleeding and decreasing necrosis as compared to other surgical techniques. Patients experience less pain, faster healing and quicker recovery. Many procedures can be performed without general anesthesia, reducing surgical risk as well as treatment time and cost.


Diode Lasers Offer More Solutions than:

• Traditional Scalpel Surgery

• CO2 Surgical Lasers

•Electrosurgical Devices


Easy to Learn Procedures

Use Contact & Non – Contact Methods

Less Pain, Less Bleeding, Less Swelling

Reduced Risk of Infection, Extreme Surgical precision

Enhanced Hemostasis, Faster Recovery


New Options for:

Dermatological Conditions

Endoscopic and Arthroscopic Procedures

Dental and Oral Surgery

• Canine, Feline and Equine

Oncological Laser Surgery

Respiratory Laser Surgery

Ophthalmological Laser Surgery

Avian and Exotic Surgical Procedures 




AVET veterinary diode laser provide Class IV deep penetrating therapy laser. This non-invasive, safe therapy uses advanced light wave technology has been shown to be exceptionally effective in wound and lesion decontamination, biostimulation to regenerate new tissue, and collagen coagulation to reduce tissue inflammation and bleeding. The therapy is has no pain and no side effects whatsoever.


Common Small Animal and Equine Clinical Application:

• Arthritis, Degenerative Joint Disease

• Tendon Suspensory and Ligament Disorders

• Back and Muscle Soreness

• Disc and Neurologic pathologies

• Stifle Hip and Sacro-iliac disorders

• Epiphysitis, Carpitis, Sesamoiditis

• Laminitis and Navicular Disease

• Pre and Post-Surgical Hard and Soft Tissue Trauma

• Wound Healing – Acute or Chronic,

• Dental Conditions – Surgical and Non-Surgical

• Otitis Externa

• Non-specific Dermatological Conditions

  • Multi-Use Laser Systems For Veterinary Therapy & Surgery. 

The high performance AVET laser masters all surgical and therapeutic challenges in everyday practice The power output of 30 watts, the possibility for use in pulsed and continuous radiation mode and a variety of combinable fibers and handpieces turn the AVET laser into an all-rounder for veterinary medicine.

  • An new and alternative to traditional surgery.

Diode laser energy can be applied superficially, as well as in open and endoscopic surgery with our leading surgical probes. Thin flexible fibers deliver required amounts of energy into the body in a minimally-invasive technique. Optimal cutting and coagulation effects are performed by 810nm+980nm multiple wavelength in a single step reducing bleeding, less pain, faster healing and quicker recovery.

  • High Dose Laser Therapy

30 watts power combined with the correct wavelength(810nm+980nm+650nm) equates to both superficial and deeper penetration, faster treatment times and delivery of the proper therapeutic dosage, an enhanced ability to treat difficult conditions, and ultimately better clinical outcomes.

  • Value

Faster therapy treatment times and surgical procedures results in the ability to treat more conditions and more patient, offers superb value for your practice.

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